So when I last left off (part 2
here) I had just gotten a great picture at the castle and was feeling great. Tiana and Louie were right before the 6 mile marker.
Then as we were about the exit the park, they had a great photo op with the train and the conductor.
Snow White, Aurora and their Princes were next. They had a huge line.
The 10k sign was right past the Princesses. Disney had DJs all over the course playing great upbeat music. This one was right past the 10k mark and before the 7 mile marker.

Right before the 7 mile marker "Let it Go" from Frozen was playing. I sang out loud. I apologize to those around me that had to hear me. My foot started to hurt at this point and I was literally trying to Let It Go!
Keith had moved to an area between the Grand Floridian and the Polynesian and caught these great shots of me on the course. Check out the crowds. This was another part of the course that was pretty crowded with only one lane to run on. That trailer in the back of the last picture is a character rest place.
Mary Poppins, Bert and a Penguin. I like that Disney added props to these picture stops.
This Prince Charming was singing to us as we went by while his buddies took pictures with Princesses and the Glass Slipper.

Lilo and Stich were next followed by Genie with his lamp and the cutest Golf cart in the world.
I got a picture with the 8 mile marker because I was the "Belle of the Run" after all. LOL See those buses in the background of that picture? Yup those are the "parade buses". I won't lie.... seeing them made me super nervous but I had not seen a balloon lady or even heard they were anywhere close. So I just kept on trucking.
Mile 9 marker followed by the Heroes, Jack Sparrow (sorry no picture) and Atta from A Bug's Life.
Keith was on the monorail back to Epcot and was able to catch this picture of me just past the water stop. See my body language? My foot was starting to really hurt and I was slowing down. But these races have some magic in them and my came in the form of a lovely lady from Louisiana name Erica. We were both part of a Facebook group for the race that had agreed to wear pink hearts on our left side of our body so we can recognize each other. Erica and I started talking. She had hurt her ankle and was walking. I was so thankful for a walking buddy.
The 15k mark came followed by the 10 mile marker. Then came the dreaded overpass "hills".
These are no joke. Specially after 10 miles in the heat. Erica and I kept on talking and putting one foot in front of the other. Talking to Erica made the time and miles go by faster. I know understand why you ladies run these races with mothers, daughters, friends, and loved ones.
We got to see the kites again. So don't do them justice.
Right before mile marker 12 was another DJ. Have I mentioned how much I enjoyed the DJs on the course. They were just great!!!
I knew we were getting close to Epcot. Erica and I talked about Sue. The wonderful lady that is at all Disney races cheering everyone on. It was great to see her.
Once we passed Sue, I was pretty sure we were safe from being swept. We had not seen a balloon lady but it was still a relief to know we would finish this race. I had never been so thankful to see the Epcot and Space Ship Earth in my life. The sun had now burned through the fog and it was hot! Hot and Humid.
Keith got these shots of Erica (she's the Belle in the pink compression socks) and I through Epcot. First at the 20K mark...
And then towards the exit....
A right turn right before Spaceship Earth and there they were.. the Gospel. I had read so much about them and knew the finish was close.
I missed getting a picture of mile marker 13 because my family was close to it but on the opposite side of the road. I chose to hug them instead of getting a picture. It was just the thing I needed. They got this picture as we went by..
Erica wanted to run to the finish so we took off to the finish.
That's her in front of me and I tried and failed to take a picture of Mickey.
More than 3 and a half hours after I started, I crossed the finish line. I could not believe it but I just completed a half marathon!!!! Erica shared our finish pictures with me but of course for some reason I didn't save them when she posted them and I can't find the post now. I'll continue to look and update the post when I find them.
I picked up this beauty along with cooling towels, water, and the snack box. I said good bye to Erica and thanked her for finishing with me. She really did make those last miles so much better.
I went to find my family. Disney has huge banners with different letters on them in the family reunion area to help you find your loved ones. We went back to the hotel. I took a much needed shower so we can could head back out. We had lunch reservations at Kona. My daughter enjoyed her dessert (she deserved it after being on the course all of that time watching me). I can't say it enough how grateful I was for my family's and friend's support this day. They woke up just as early as I did, stood around for hours, and were so supportive the entire time. I'm truly blessed to have such wonderful family and friend. After lunch, I went to MK to get some pictures with my medal before returning home.
This is a great race and I hope to do it again ... BUT next time, it will be with my daughter!!