Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Goals

With the start of a new year most of us come up with at least one New Year Resolution to stick with.  I'm not got with these.  I usually forget them by the end of the first week.  This year I'm going to have goals - not only 2014 goals but I'll also set monthly goals that I will write down and keep myself accountable for.  This blog will be instrumental in keeping me accountable so I'm hoping for lots of support.

**  14 in 2014 - Jill Conyers is hosting a 14 in 2014 challenge to commit to a year long of running.  I'm super excited to be part of this challenge.  There are over 300 participants already!  I have 12 potential races already and Jill is sponsoring 4 virtual races so that should get me to my goal.  I have 3 half marathons I'm hoping to complete - the first one being Disney's Princess Half in February.

**  Sarah from Licorice and Olives is hosting virtual 5k races in 2014!  It's another way to keep running and accountable.  My goal is to participate in each of the monthly races.  I will not count these towards the 14 in 2014 goal as this is a separate goal to track.  This is free and Sarah is working on potential prizes for most improved and such. So go to her website and sign up!!

**  Strength Training -  I want to add this to my running.  My goal is to do 2 strength training sessions per week.

**  Blog - I'm new to this blogging thing but find that I really enjoy it.  My goal is to blog at least 3 times a week and get better.

** Back to school - I want to enroll at the local University and take at least 2 classes this year towards completing my bachelor degree.  I started this process last year but sort of put it on the side.

That's it.  Those are my goals for 2014.

What are your 2014 goals?  Do any of the above challenges interest you?


  1. Thanks for the mention Hildy! I really hope I can get some prizes for the virtual race series :-)

    1. I'm super excited about the virtual races! you are doing a great job!
