Friday, January 3, 2014

Princess Preparation

There are 51 days (7 weeks) left until Disney's Princess Half Marathon.  With all of the training I've been doing, there hasn't been much focus on the rest of the logistics.  Part of the fun of participating in Run Disney events is dressing up (and seeing all the other costumes). I decided a while back that I wanted to dress up as Belle.  She's my favorite princess

I'm following a group on Facebook for Sparkle Skirts and let me tell you I love those skirts. Unfortunately, my budget won't allow me to buy one.  I went searching on the internet for alternatives.  I found a YouTube video on how to make a tutu.  It seemed easy enough.  So I decided that I would give it a try for the Vanessa Welch Reindeer Run and made tutus for myself and my daughter.  They turned out pretty good.

So I decided I would do the same for Princess.  Last night, I cut up the material and put it together.  I decided to use a red ribbon to represent Belle's red rose.  I'm pretty excited with how it turned out.

Now I just have to find a yellow tank top or shirt to go with it.  

Will you be wearing a costume to the Princess Half ?  Who are you dressing up as?


  1. So cute!

    I haven't decided on my costumes yet, but I need to get on it!

  2. Thanks! This part was easy, I'm now on the search for a top to match. We have 44 days left! So excited

  3. I started working on my tutu for the half the other night and I really like how it's turning out. I'm wearing a Sparkle Skirt that I bought from another runner for the 10K.
